Category Archives: 2009 Walk

AMGB Printed Collateral

I’ve received a few requests for a marketing piece that can be printed and given to the folks that make decisions on causes to sponsor, or to simply hang up in break rooms.

I’m not the best designer, but here it is…

Hope it does the trick!

Affiliate Marketers Give Back Promo Ad
Click to enlarge and print

Additionally, you can dowload the Avon Foundation 2007-2008 Impact Report which details how the raised funds are spent.

2009 Team Sponsorship Opportunities

Team Affiliate Marketers Give Back will be taking on Los Angeles on STeam Affiliate Marketers Give Back will be taking on Los Angeles on September 12-13, for the 40-mile Avon Walk to fight breast cancer.

If you are interested in sponsoring our team, the following opportunities are available:

Media Sponsor: $5,000
(One Sponsor Only)

  • Your logo will inserted on the Team’s Flickr page.
  • Your logo will appear on the Team’s YouTube station and for 3-seconds at the beginning and end of all official team video.
  • Your logo will be featured under the Media Sponsor section on the front page of
  • Team Hat Sponsor – $3,000
    (One Sponsor Only.)

  • Your company hat* will be worn by the Team during the entire 2-day event.
  • Your logo will be featured under the Team Hat Sponsor section on the front page of
  • *Sponsor must provide the team with their hats in advance.

    Team Shirt: Back – $3,000
    (One Sponsor Only.)

  • Your logo will be prominently featured on the back of the Team’s T-shirts which will be worn during the 2-day event.)
  • Your logo will be featured under the Team Shirt Sponsor: Back section on the front page of
  • Affiliate Markters Give Back 2009 Team Shirt (Back)

    Team Shirt: Front – $1,000
    (Limited to 15 Sponsors.)

  • Your logo will be featured on the front of the Team’s T-shirts which will be worn during the 2-day event.
  • Your logo will be featured under the Team Shirt Sponsor: Front section on the front page of
  • Affiliate Markters Give Back 2009 Team Shirt (Front)

    $5K+ DONORS

  • All donations of $5,000 or more, not associated with a sponsorship will receive logo placement under the $5k+ Donor section on
  • To sponsor the Team, please visit our TEAM FORM. After you receive your email receipt, please forward that to missyward /at/ gmail /dot/ com along with a note of the sponsorship you selected.


    Funds raised are managed and distributed by the Avon Foundation, a 501 (c)(3) public charity. Grants are awarded to local, regional and national breast cancer organizations to support five areas of the breast cancer cause, including: awareness and education; screening and diagnosis; access to treatment; support services; and, scientific research. Support for the medically underserved is a key priority. Beneficiaries range from leading cancer centers to community-based non-profit breast health programs, creating a powerful international network of research, medical, social service and community-based organizations focused on defeating breast cancer and ensuring access to care. Click here to view the 2007-2008 Impact Report.

    2009 Avon Walk for Breast Cancer – Come Join the Team!

    This year, Team Affiliate Marketers Give Back will be taking on the 40-mile Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in Los Angeles on September 12-13.

    The Avon Walk exists to raise funds to fight breast cancer and to bring awareness and education about the disease. It’s also an opportunity for individuals to join forces and generate significant progress in both the treatment of breast cancer and a quest for the cure – while simultaneously having an extraordinary experience.

    I can assure you that if you decide to walk with the rest of Team Affiliate Marketers Give Back (“Team AMGB”), you will definitely have an extraordinary experience — we’ve had a blast each year!

    Why You Should Walk with Team Affiliate Marketers Give Back

    Below are the reasons why others have joined the team in past years:

  • The loss of a close friend or family member
  • Knew someone who was coping with the disease
  • They faced breast cancer themselves
  • Was worried that one day they may be diagnosed with the disease
  • Wanted to feel that they’ve done something to help find a cure
  • Gave them a reason to start an exercise regimen and get into shape
  • Was schnookered into it by Missy Ward 🙂
  • While everyone has different reasons to walk, together we are connected by our shared commitment to do our part to end breast cancer.

    Explore the site. Read the stories and check out the pictures from previous walks. Ask me questions.

    I’d love to have you join us!

    Ready to Join The Team?

    If you’re ready to walk, it’s a very simple process to sign up. Simply register on the Avon site and select “Affiliate Marketers Give Back” as your walking team.

    Check out the left side bar on this site to see who has joined the team thus far.

    Looking forward to walking with you.

    2008 Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer 3-day

    The morning started off at 4:00am for Team Affiliate Marketers Worldwide. We hopped on the bus at 5:00am and headed over to Opening Cereremonies.

    This part was truly inspirational. Watching all of the survivors get together brought tears to our eyes and motivated us to get out there and start walking.

    Seattle proved to be a much harder walk than Minnesota last year. There were so many more hills here that many of the team members were not prepared for. But we kept on truckin’.

    We got back to camp about 9-1/2 hours, 2,687 calories and 21.5 miles later. Little did we know that we had another 1-1/2 mile walk back to the hotel.

    We all had grand plans to go out to the Karaoke Bar for dinner. That however, turned into a quick stop at Whole Foods for beer, wine, crackers and cheese. We wound up ordering disgusting food from the hotel restaurant and got together on the floor of the hotel lobby.

    Tomorrow is another early morning for us. That’s ok though. We’re having a great time, despite our constant complaining. We all have one goal in mind and that’s to get this last 40 miles down and go out for a great dinner on Sunday night.

    Here are some pictures from today: