Tag Archives: 60-mile walk

Letters to Friends and Family

Over the weekend I sent out letters to friends and family letting them know I am participating in the walk and that I would love their support. So far I’ve had a handful of people respond and have raised $635.00!

I set up  a special site that I can share thank yous, post donor links and so I can share blogging notes to the penguin fans, my friends and family.  I also set up a guestbook so that those that can’t donate right now can leave a little note to share their support.  Every bit of encouragement is one more reason to get my hiney out on that treadmill.

I’m thrilled to share this experience with everyone I know. I am SO excited to be involved and so very thankful for everyone’s support!

New Banners Available

Based on supporter request, additional banners have been created with different themes.  One of them is just right for your website or blog 😉

Click on either version below to get other sizes.


Thanks for your support!